The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Where I Find God in My Everyday Life

Nothing, absolutely nothing happens in God's world by mistake!

It is 3:10 AM on an early Saturday morning in September.  Please note, I said Saturday.  Those of you who are my teacher friends know how sacred Saturday morning sleep is, especially in the beginning weeks of September!  Yet I am in my recliner typing on my iPad.

That is because this is often where I find God.  Not necessarily this physical location; rather right as I wake up from a dream.  

This dream was a particularly bizarre dream involving taking a group of my high school peers, many of whom I haven't seen in 30 years, to Sunday morning church service back at the little K Street church I grew up in.  The K Street Church of God Apostolic Faith.  I was supposed to speak about the connection between Common Core State Standards research and God at this morning service with one of my dearest childhood friends, Shari, a classmate and a teacher.   

 All I could focus on was how much the church had changed!  It was no longer a unassuming little  white, wood framed building on the corner of K Street where you sat up straight in the pew beside your grandmother during the 2 hour sermon.  It was a very large, very loud, concert- like atmosphere that spilled out the doors to the surrounding neighborhood.

In my dream, I was so preoccupied with how I was going to find God in the CCSS  article I was presenting that I couldn't enjoy the circus atmosphere that ensued.  Right after my classmates and I had filed in the front and found pews in the chaotic crowded atmosphere, I began listening to conversations around me.  People were sipping coffee and talking about Life.  

Then I began glancing around.  Not only was my ex-husband and his new wife  in the audience with his entire family, so were all my family, past and present, and childhood Sunday school friends.  Some of my own children were there and grown but I was holding one of my boys, still a baby in this dream.   Then of course, as I mentioned earlier, my high school peers from 30 years ago were "in the house".

It was at that moment the doors flew open and water balloons came flying in, breaking  and baptizing all those people they landed near.  I jumped up to peer out the door.  What in the world was going on?  Teenagers began running outside to join the Youth Pastor and his team in the water balloon battle.  Several of my classmates ran out to join as well.  What kind of crazy way was this to start the church service?

Wait!!  What??   A dream about K street church, tons of people from my past, and a water balloon fight??  Yes, yes, this is the stuff of my dreams.

That is when the rock concert began and my childhood friend and I headed up to the stage to sing before our speech.  My sister leapt  up and was balancing on top of the front pew playing an electric guitar, my former classmates were going wild, microphones were shoved into our hands, and we were singing and dancing all over the stage!

OK, got the crazy picture in your head?  Sometimes it scares me what I find in my brain at night.  But that is another story for another day.

This morning, as in many other mornings, I found God in my dreams.  As I stepped up on the raucous stage to speak about the article in  , it all fell together like a puzzle in my mind.  My purpose was not to share the content  the article in my presentation, my purpose was to share how I find God embedded in everyday activities: to share how i find GOD in everyday life like reading, dreaming, conversations with co- workers and students i serve, Pinterest, Facebook. . . . 

Facebook!  That is it!  That is where I "see" all of these people from my past on a daily basis!  Not my ex- husband mind you.  But occasionally news about his life pops up on one of our grown children's posts.

I no longer find God on Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings, or Wednesday evenings in that little K street church, or for that matter, in any traditional physical church location at a designated time or service.  I find God in everyday life.

-A Pinterest post with a newborn baby posed on top of a Bible with the scripture, "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalm 139: 13-14 
PRECIOUS!!   I re-pin it to my board in order to share the scripture with my Pinterest followers.  I find God there.

-my Facebook "top story" thread where classmates and friends share life's  joys and concerns; sometimes celebrating the birth of a new baby, a promotion a work, the marriage of their grown child.  But sometimes referring to the loss they are experiencing through serious illnesses, a life-threatening battle with  cancer, the loss of a spouse, child, co-worker, parent or friend.  I  offer a kind word or lift up a prayer for their family.  I find God there.

- a conversation over lunch break at my instructional coach meeting when a colleague shares how they are struggling with their child going off to college, with their child's defiant teenage behavior, with a group of stressed co-workers, or the illness of their aging parent.  I share hope that they will make it through and "this too shall pass" because I have experienced those moments in life too.  I find God there.

- at the beauty shop when my hairdresser confides in me (and the rest of the shop) that she is about to throw in the towel on her marriage.  I have "been there and done that". TWICE.  I'm a slow learner and haven't always chose to listen to God.  I can offer encouragement and suggest professional help.  I find God there.

-in my office after a meeting when a teacher hangs back to talk about personal issues.  I can offer a listening ear and use my cognitive coaching questioning skills to enable them to find possible solutions within themselves.  I find God there.

-in my everyday check-in, check-out session with the 5th grader i am assigned  to mentor.  He is on a behavior plan and even though many days our session is brief - just enough time to add up his daily behavior points and visit with him about his choices that day.  I find God there.

- in the patience and restraint I dig deep to find in a planning meeting with a group of disgruntled, overworked, stressed teachers.  I find God there.

- in the research article I am reading about teacher autonomy and pedagogy.  Certain words or phrases  resonant with me as I pause to comprehend and reflect on past/ present life.  I find God there.

- in a memory from my childhood education which began in my mother's lap reading or watching as she played the piano, in my backyard sandbox, in grandmother's kitchen and grandfather's garden.  I find God there.

- in the common core curriculum when I take a step back and marvel at all that God has created.   No!  I do not believe that gotcreated the common core state standards or No Child Left Behind or Title 1 or the IDEA law.  Rather, I marvel at all the people throughout history who devoted their lives to education and making our world a better place through education.  either through research and writing, preparing future educators at the university level, legislation, parenting, educators who devote their careers to children from infancy to high school adolescence and everything in between, leading professional development, choosing to be in administration, inventing the latest educational app, etc.  I find God there.

This is where I find God and where I have the opportunity to show God's love to others.  I believe THAT is my purpose.  The reason God knit me together in my mother's womb.  To share the message that it doesn't matter where you find God in your everyday life; it just matters that you find him!  

Nothing, absolutely nothing happens in God's world by mistake!

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Nothing, absolutely nothing, happens in God's world by mistake.

Since my last blog I was offered 2 different jobs- on top of the part time job I already have :) Praise the Lord!

When one door closes several more opened! I had 2 interviews last Wednesday with two of the best school districts in the Charleston area- Berkeley County and Dorchester 2. They both offered me jobs at the end of the interviews. I chose to accept the Instructional Coach position at Devon Forest Elem with Berkeley Co - the principal and asst. principal are both very bright, young women and we connected immediately :)

Additionally, Trident Tech College still wants me to work with them part-time to support the College Bound program. So, in addition to working with 875 children and their families and 45+ staff members at Devon Forest, I will also get to assist with the implementation of the reading curriculum I co-wrote this summer- in 4 different high schools with 100 students at the junior level who would like to focus on increasing their reading comprehension in order to get into college.

I was really sad that I was going to have to choose one or the other position- I felt really committed to the vision of the College Bound program but also needed the full time position. I didn't know what to do so I let go and let God :)

It works everytime!!

Nothing, absolutely nothing, happens in God's world by mistake!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Helmet of Salvation

Nothing, absolutely nothing, happens in God's world by mistake.

God has blessed me in so many exciting, new ways this summer! However, life has also rocked me to my foundation! As I struggle yet again, God has sent people to envelope me in their arms and get me through. The courage to change (and accept change), the strength to get out of bed each morning and put one foot in front of the other, greeting life and choosing to embrace change comes to me from God.

Those of you who are within my immediate cirle of family and friends know that my 4 biological children and 3 stepdaughters are my purpose for being. I believe God began preparing me to be their mother/step-mother the day I was born. God, my parents, grandparents, family, teachers, and friends each taught me about how to care. I am the mother I am because of them- good, bad, or otherwise. Being responsible for another life(lives)- nurturing, loving, and giving thanks to God, means that you must be willing to give that life(lives) back to God.

My oldest son chose, at the age of 15, to disown me when his dad and I divorced. He will not speak to me and will not answer phone calls, texts, emails, Fb requests, or be in the same physical location I am in. However, I am still his mother and he is my child. I pray for him daily and know that deep down, he knows God and God has great plans for his life! Though this is a deep wound in my heart/head/soul and difficult for me to think about or discuss, I have had to "let go and let God" in order to survive. I can not control the situation and I had 15 wonderful years raising him. I know the bond we had at his birth and try to focus on the memories of his formative, early childhood years when we spent every moment together- reading, singing, dancing, laughing, fingerpainting, building towers, designing elaborate lego creations, etc. He is Our Father's son and my charge as his mother was to give him back to God, lead him to God, and live my life by example- never trying to be the "perfect" person/mother because I can't go 30 minutes without making a mistake :) but trying to follow God's will in my life- asking for forgiveness and sharing God's love with others.

Why am I choosing to blog about this? My son is now 22 and I am happy to say that he is a college graduate, gainfully employed as an engineer, and engaged to be married. I am sharing because I am so proud to be his mother and want others who may be struggling with similar issues to know they are never alone!!

As the minister at New Springs Church in Wichita shared this morning, some of the wounds from life are critical blows to the head- rocking our world. That is why we have to begin each day choosing to wear the helmet of Christ's salvation. Salvation is our gift from God- through his Son, Jesus Christ, AND is also our promise the God will save us from eternal death if we accept the gift of salvation. When we choose to wear the helmet of salvation, God will protect us through life's blows- those times when we face critical medical diagnoses, when we are rejected by loved ones, when we get that midnight phone from/about someone we love, etc.

Life will deal out critical blows. June 13th, the judge chose to grant primary residential custody of my youngest son to his father. She felt like even though he has always lived with me, wanted to move with me to South Carolina, and he personally told her so in chambers- her charge was to look out for his best interests. She did not want him to have to change schools and also did not want him traveling once a month. Though this has been one of those critical blows, I have to trust that God has a hand in the judge's decision. I am stepping out on faith- knowing that there was a reason Tony got the job at Boeing in SC, our home in Kansas sold in 3 weeks, and I quickly found a P/T job writing curriculum and teaching in SC which will enable me to travel back to Kansas 5 days each month to be with Gavin. I don't know the reasons why I am facing this new challenge in life- but perhaps the school move truly would not have been the best for Gavin. I'm struggling considerably but I do have to trust that God has everything under control.

Thank you God for all the people you have sent to support me- you know who you are and there are too many of you to name. Some of you have spoken to me personally, some have texted, called, Facebooked me, and many of you have prayed! Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers and we will do the same for you and your family :)

Nothing, absolutely nothing, happens in God's world by mistake.

Monday, July 4, 2011

My yoke is easy and My burden is light

Nothing, absolutely nothing, happens in God's world by mistake.

I believe that God speaks to me through other people. And the times that I want to hide out are probably the times I need to reach out.

I met Father Andy this morning.

He greeted Gavin as we walked down the sidewalk to enter the church and I knew without a doubt that this moment was a God "thing". Gavin and I have been searching for a church to attend in Charleston and it has been quite an adventure (more about that later). Fr. Andy spoke directly to Gavin, allowing me to just listen. I heard God's voice. He wanted to know who Gavin was, where he was from, and wanted him to know he was welcome at St. Thomas. Fr. Andy is a teacher. He knows the power of greeting people as they enter his classroom.

Fr. Andy's homily was based on the following verses:

Matthew 11:28 "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

Fr. Andy is a teacher and came out into the congregation to interact with us. He told stories about his travels, connecting the vocabulary words in the verse in a "text to life" context. While explaining "yoke" he said that God has custom designed our yoke just to fit us. I had never thought of this in that way. My yoke was designed just for me.

He further explained that while sometimes bad things happen to us- that is because God gives people free will. Sometimes we choose not to listen and/or to follow our own will. It is during those times that the yoke becomes heavy. God wrote the "owner's manual" for us and the Bible is that manual.

He concluded his homily by recognizing birthdays and visitors, asking them to stand and speaking directly to them. Out of a congregation of 200, he called Gavin by name and asked him to stand and share. Fr. Andy is a teacher.

I believe that God speaks to me through other people. Today it was Fr. Andy but most often it is through my family and friends. I am reminded that while on my journey, seeking courage to change, I need to be still and listen as God speaks through others.

Nothing, absolutely nothing, happens in God's world by mistake.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

A new chapter in my life

"God seldom delivers . . . . virtues all wrapped in a package and ready to use. Rather He puts us in situations where by His help we can develop those virtues." C.R. Findley

With faith and hope I can work my way through- one at a time, one day at a time.

Maybe it's my upcoming birthday, my new job, my recent move across the country, my new marriage, my soon-to-be empty nest, or my daily reading which has prompted me to begin this blog today. But more than likely it's a God thing :)

Nothing, absolutely nothing happens in God's world by mistake.

June 25, 2011-
It has been exactly one month since I moved across the country from my hometown, Arkansas City, Kansas- where I was born and raised, to Charleston, S. C.

It has been almost nine months since I married "the love of my life", Tony, a high school friend from Arkansas City, Kansas.

It has been almost three years since I got divorced from my second husband, a recovering addict.

It has been almost seven years since I decided to file for a divorce from the father of my children.

When I reflect back on the woman I was seven years ago- I don't recognize much of her. By all outward appearances, she looked like me. She was a mother of four, a professor of early childhood education, but in a dysfuntional relationship and clinically depressed.

In Pedogogy of the Heart, Paulo Freire reflects, as he approaches the final stages of life, that his childhood backyard was a place of great importance; a place, both literally and figuratively that formed who he had become. Freire writes:

My childhood backyard has been unveiling itself to many other spaces- spaces
that are not necessarily other yards. Spaces where this man of today sees the child
of yesterday in himself and learns to see better what he has seen before. To see
again what had already been seen before always implies seeing angles that were
not perceived before. Thus a posterior view of the world can be done in a more
critical, less naïve, and more rigorous way. (Friere, 1997, p. 38)

This blog is a space for me to connect with my childhood backyard as well as my future. My hope is that it will provide a space for me to connect with others who find themselves seeking the courage to change.

Nothing, absolutely nothing happens in God's world by mistake.